Template letter to TD's regarding the migrant crisis
Thanks for taking the time to contact your TD on the migrant crisis. Please modify the e-mail below to reflect your own concerns – The more personal your letter is, the more it warrants a personal response. If you feel like sharing your TD’s response, I’d love to read it so please e-mail me at [email protected].
Find your TDs contact details here or contact them directly through this site.
Find your TDs contact details here or contact them directly through this site.
Sample letter
Dear (insert TD’s name here),
I am a resident and voter in your constituency, residing at (insert address here). I am very concerned about the recent migrant crisis and feel Ireland is not doing enough to support this crisis. We are not taking enough migrants in proportion to other European countries, and our asylum process is in urgent need of reform to give these migrants the respectful welcome they deserve. Given the projections for future climate change, the number of migrants and refugees fleeing their home countries for a better life in Europe will continue to increase in the years to come. Before the next election, I need to know how you are addressing this crisis now and how you would plan to do so in the next Dail.
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sign your name here