The plastic problem has received lots of media attention in the last few months, both internationally and in Ireland, so the latest report on Henderson Island doesn’t surprise me.
I’ve been following stories of the Great Pacific Garbage patch for years now (one of five marine garbage patches worldwide) and scheming ways to someday get out there to see it for myself. -If you ever wanted to witness the true scale of human impact on the planet, I can’t think of a bigger representation than an area of plastic “soup” that is alleged to be somewhere between the size of Texas to twice the size of the continental United States! |
About 20% of marine trash comes from ships and offshore platforms while the rest comes from litter being blown into the sea, picked up by tides on the beach, or intentional garbage dumping. Ireland, as an island nation, is particularly susceptible to contributing and being impacted by this kind of pollution. However, as with most environmental problems in this country, we’re behind in how we’re dealing with it.
Even here in Ireland, Friends of the Earth discovered huge success when we ran a deposit refund scheme on plastic cups and bottles, paying out 20 cents for every cup that was returned. In total, EUR 31,000 was given to those who returned cups. Over 150,000 cups stayed out of an incinerator and the arena grounds were practically devoid of plastic as a result.
Last year, Cashel became the first town in Ireland to begin the journey to become a Zero Waste community to join over 200 cities and towns worldwide that aim to create little to no waste through waste prevention, reuse and repair, recycling and composting efforts. Expect to see lots of innovation coming out of Cashel in the next few years as they discover creative ways to convert waste into resources. Here’s hoping it becomes a model for the rest of Ireland to follow.
Keep fighting the good fight!
-Cara Coming Up: I'll be at Bloom in the Park June 1-5th showcasing Friends of the Earth's Postcard Nature garden at the main entrance. Find out what we're planning here and come say hi if you're visiting Bloom. |